Network Refresh Project



Customer: Multi Site Hospitals
Number of Sites: 150+
Timeline: 21 months


3 site visits per location

  1. Network Survey
  2. Installation and decommission of old equipment
  3. Wireless site survey

• Survey the existing infrastructure, fill out the survey template while providing photos documenting the site environment and equipment. Installation/Upgrade of the client’s network environment. This included installation of new switches, upgrading the configuration on existing switches, working with Cisco network engineers confirming proper operation and inventorying and securing all decommissioned equipment.
• This installation took place in a hospital environment and extreme caution was taken in performing the work required.
• Communication and a methodical approach was necessary to insure a great customer experience.

Netview’s Value

Highly Successful Delivery in a challenging work environment
Provided great communication and professionalism where it didn’t impact the staff and patients onsite